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The Verdesian, New York, USA

What is the LEED Certification?

Built in 2006 by the design of the architectural company Cesare Pelli & Associates, the Verdesian is a 26-story multi-family tower, with gross floor area of 27,870 square meters (300,000 square feet). Rainwater is constantly harvested and later used for irrigating the rooftop garden. Located in Battery Park City, New York, the environmentally responsible rental tower includes a playroom specially designed for children, a fitness center with modern equipment, a parking garage and storage for bicycles. It’s an excellent place for families which want to spend their weekend in a comfortable environment. Construction works began in 2004. The first residential high-rise tower with LEED Platinum certification is built mainly of glass, steel and concrete. The photovoltaic solar panels installed on the roof of the building, and the chilling and heating systems help to save electricity.

By Astghik Atabekyan,


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