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Hotel on the Trees, Takilma, Oregon, United States

The full name of this hotel and educational place is Out'n'About Treehouse Treesort LLC & Treehouse Institute of Arts and Culture. Those who love and appreciate the recreation in the nature, can find exotic rooms in this wood-connected hotel, which situated in a beautiful and picturesque area located in Takilma, Oregon, 16 kilometers away from Cave Junction. The hotel rooms are unique accommodations as they are all directly on the trees, and the height of some is more than 10 meters above the ground. There are 16 wooden treehouse-hotel rooms which are located on the14.5 hectares wonderland. The land also includes a host of platforms and sky bridges, swinging bridges, a bunch of horses and a gaggle of chickens, native rock lined swimming pool with fresh water pumped from the river and many other facilities. You can also do horseback riding and get a lot of emotions from white water rafting. In the evening by means of hanging wooden ladders you can also visit your neighbors who may have already prepared the coffee in their cozy and exotic kitchen.

This is a perfect place for family holidays, where you live in close unity with nature. Be careful about your children as there are too many dangerous bridges and ladders high above the ground. The hotel & wonderland also provide possibility to be educated in Treehouse Institute, to learn how to build a proper wooden tree house.

For more information, or if you are interested to spend holidays in this unusual place, you can visit the Treehouse Hotel official site:

By Lilit Khalatyan,



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