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Dog Bark Park Inn, Idaho, USA

British hunting dog Beagle with his puppy will catch your eye and will take you into their warm embrace, and you'll suddenly find yourself inside a gigantic wooden dog by entering from a private 2nd story deck. So self-taught chainsaw artists, spouses Dennis Sullivan and Frances Conklin created this funny project in Cottonwood, Idaho, and by this clever and tricky step they won a great love of local residents, as well as an international fame. Now this hotel is one of the most popular attractions of Idaho.

The couple has been carving for over twenty years, creating over 60 different breeds and poses of dogs. Their great love for art, particularly for chainsaw carving links their hearts forever. They spent a year and a half on the biggest project (9m in height) of their collaborative effort, which opened its doors to the public in 1997 and is still pleased with its friendliness dogs. And if you have a great desire to acquire other small dogs, souvenirs, wooden carvings of pigs, bears, moose, felines and fish from the artists' studio featuring the whimsical chainsaw artwork, this issue is resolved: the hotel has a shop-gallery. Do not forget that our kind dog simultaneously can shelter four people, and it cost about US $92 per night for a double room.

By Lilit Khalatyan,


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