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Robert Brunos Steel House, Texas, USA

This fantastic steel house - the creation of the sculptor and architect Robert Bruno, is located on the edge of the canyon, near the city of Lubbock, Texas. His incredible imagination and craftsmanship are presented here in a futuristic design. Trained as a sculpture, he moved to Lubbock from Mexico to teach at Texas Tech. He soon discovered an anomaly at Ransom Canyon. Even as you are near the canyon, you can't truly see it, as it is carved into the flat landscape. But here you will find a vista with more drama, while keeping all of the incredible vast Texan sky. This proved to be a perfect setting for his home. All of the walls in the home are either welded metal, or original glass/stained glass creations. Robert began his sculptural home in 1973, with a very fluid and organic plan and he spent 23 years building this strange home that looks like a giant pig out of 110 tons of steel. In this masterpiece Bruno put all his skills in art and engineering. The house is a steel cave. While most architecture today is based on the (steel, concrete or wood) frame, Bruno builds his house of domes. The folded, load bearing surfaces so many architects aspire, are here build – by hand. It covers an area of approximately 280 square meters. The building has an unusual form - it is neither square nor round. Walls were removed to increase visual vistas, stained glass added to create contrast to the rusted metal. The interior of Steel House is majestic: here you can see a beautiful wooden entry table of fluid lines and delicate grace. And he did it all himself. The architect said that, while making this ambitious project he could not assume that it would bring him worldwide fame, honor and respect. When you go on walking around this unnatural home sophisticated design elements transform you to an exciting attraction with a constantly changing perspective. After the death of the architect in 2008, the building serves as a museum of original architecture and is one of the main attractions in Texas.

By Lilit Khalatyan,



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