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Quay Black House, Moscow, Russia

The official name of the building is "Government House". The house was built on a desert and marsh place. Once the site was used for public executions, Yemelyan Pugachov's execution also took place here. Later on cells were constructed here where Malyuta Skuratov carried out tortures ( the real name is Grigory Lukyanovich Skuratov-Belskiy, Russian military and political figure. He was one of the most odious leaders of the Oprichnina during the reign of Ivan the Terrible). Thus this place gained bad fame.

In the beginning of XX century when the Soviet capital was being moved to Moscow there was a lack of living space. At that very time the Government house was built, where commanders, writers and artists lived. The author of the design is architect B. M. Iofan. For the time built this house with 12 floors, 25 entrances and 505 apartments was announced one of the biggest house-buildings in Europe. On each floor there were two apartments, the floors were made of oak; the ceilings were covered with frescos: seasons' landscapes, fruits, flowers. There was everything included in the house: post-office, telegraph, laundry, beauty salon, dining hall, polyclinic, club, gym, cinema hall.

However despite all the comfort provided in this house, none of the lodgers had a good life. In 30-40s during the repression regime every night arrests were made here. Everyone fell asleep imagining who will be the next. Nearly all the lodgers were repressed; many of them committed suicide... Soon the house became famous as "Suicide House".

The horrible episodes of the past started rumors about the ghosts that wander in the corridors weep and ask for help. Soon there appeared a tradition that every new lodger sanctified the apartment before moving. However it made no good and the Quay house is still known as cursed.

Today there is a museum, where one can get to know the history of Soviet country in 30-50s of 20th century. The whole interior of those times is recreated here.

By Sona Gasparian,


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